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Come And See Us At The Sparkle Weekend!

by Sarah A 23 Jun 2023 0 Comments

If you are looking for a fun, festive and family-friendly event to attend this year, The Sparkle Weekend might be the place for you. 

This free-to-attend festival, taking place between July 5th and 7th, is one of the largest celebrations of gender diversity and inclusion in the world and works to promote positive attitudes towards gender.

Over the course of history, many groups have faced oppression due to their differences and the trans community is one of these.

Recently, the world has become a much more accepting place however trans individuals all over the world still face discrimination and oppression simply because they choose to express who they are.

The Sparkle Weekend works to break down these barriers, celebrating gender diversity and transness in a positive, fun and family-friendly way. By working to educate people on the struggles the trans community face and raise awareness of the issues still present in today's world.

This festival features entertainment, live music, talks and workshops and lots of trans-fun businesses that all get together in one place to celebrate, educate and let loose.

In a different way to many pride events which focus on partying, drinking and celebrating, The Sparkle Weekend works to create an inclusive space which is fun for all ages, allowing parents to bring children along and introduce them to a safe and educational space to learn in.

There are many charities who work closely with the organisers, receiving donations and volunteer help in order to make as much positive difference as they can.

These charities play a vital role in supporting trans people of all ages in their transitions and working through the difficulties they may face when coming out.

The festival's core values are that the event remains free, family-friendly and accessible to all regardless of gender, race, religion or physical ability.

Events like these are so important for many people around the world as they provide a safe, non-judgemental space for them to seek guidance and advice, meet others in similar situations and explore themselves and their identity with help and support.

For a very long time, being a trans individual was taboo and would often lead to a person becoming socially ostracised and harassed for expressing themselves.

Luckily, the world is now heading in the right direction and many people are now more comfortable in openly presenting as the gender they truly are, regardless of the one which was assigned to them at birth.

However, there are still many issues that need addressing and not every space is a safe one. This is why events like these need support, to help make sure that there are still places where people can be their true selves without feeling scared or frightened.

Charities which provide support for trans individuals who have been disowned or thrown out by their families and friends due to their gender identity work very closely with the organisers of this event.

This helps to provide those people with a place they can call home, surrounded by those who love and care for them and accept them for who they truly are. No fear, no judgement.

Promoting diversity and inclusion is so important as it helps to normalise these events. The more support, the more awareness is brought around, and the more positive change can be made.

The LGBTQ+ community works like a close, tight-knit family and is fantastic at lifting up and supporting each other in all they do.

While we have progressed very far as a society in learning to overcome the hatred and prejudice that was taught against those in the community, there is still a very long way to go until everyone feels safe and secure in being themselves without fearing rejection or hatred.

To this day, many trans people suffer abuse, both verbal and physical, simply for existing. This shows that while society has progressed, it has not progressed far enough.

Events like The Sparkle Weekend hope to celebrate this community, but they work towards providing education to all about the importance of acceptance.

Without events like this, there would be little in the way of educational material for people to learn from and therefore prejudice and discrimination would likely continue.

This is also vital for the younger generation. Many older people in the community have had to fight for their right to be themselves and do not wish for their children and children’s children to have to do the same.

By pushing for education and celebration, they are helping to ensure that no struggle will be revisited, and their children can grow up in a world that loves and accepts them, regardless.

Educating the youth of today is the best way to ensure that we do not return to the hatred and discrimination of recent history. By bringing children up to love and accept people for who they are, not what they identify as, we are helping to expand safe spaces for all.

This also gives faith and reassurance to young people who are struggling with their gender identity and don't yet know how to express it. 

By showing children from a young age that they can be themselves, no matter what, we are giving them the room to explore and express themselves openly.

This can make it much easier, less difficult and overall less traumatic for young people to open up about who they are. Children should not have to fear their parent's reaction to being their authentic selves. They should know they are loved, regardless of their gender identity.

The Sparkle Weekend takes place between the 7th and 9th of July in the heart of Manchester’s Gay Village and will be a fun-filled festivity which anyone is welcome to enjoy.

Canal Street has hospitably been a place of love and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community and continues to be at the heart of many charities and events celebrating pride.

The Nice N Naughty team will be attending the Sparkle Weekend.  If you are attending and fancy popping by to say hello, we would be delighted to see you so come on down!


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