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What Can You Do To Feel Sexier?

by Sarah A 12 Jul 2023 0 Comments

The golden rule of sex is that it is all about feeling. If you feel good and your partner feels good, the touch can be electric and the mood explosive.

However, sometimes it can be hard to feel sexy, for a whole host of reasons. Life often gets in the way, if you’re going through a breakup or you’re just not feeling well.

Right now, a lot of people are feeling particularly stressed, and if you are one of them, it can lead to the release of a hormone called cortisol that can suppress our sex drive, which in turn can cause a chain reaction that affects our body image and self-esteem, which in turn affects our sexual self-image.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to get back into the groove, and a lot of them are more to do with you.

Mix Up Your Style

Feeling sexy can sometimes mean trying something new with your look, and whilst the most obvious way to do this is to wear a sexy lingerie set that makes you feel as amazing as you look, there are other ways to refresh yourself.

Dye your hair an exotic new colour, try a new outfit outside of your typical style, try a couple of new makeup products and put on a pair of flattering heels or stylish flats.

Beauty and sexiness come from within, and whilst a shopping montage straight out of the movies isn’t always the answer, you would be surprised how much mixing it up and changing your look can change your self-image.

Most importantly, focus on the feel. If you feel good, you look good.

Also, wear it around the house. Even if you work at home or have no plans, get dressed up and just enjoy the feeling.

Build Up A Sweat

This is not about building muscle, losing weight or even making yourself more flexible, but the act of exercising itself and working up a sweat.

Anyone who has managed to start an exercise regime can understand and embrace the power of endorphins.

The last few years have wreaked havoc over many a well-intentioned exercise regime, but the human body is particularly adaptable and elastic. Once you get started with some exercise at a level you’re comfortable with, you’ll be amazed at how you feel, and that can translate to the bedroom too.

Yoga, deep breathing, cardio, jogging or even taking a brisk walk can all help boost your drive.

Explore Your Sexuality

Feeling sexy is also about understanding what you yourself find sexy as well. Do not dress up as someone else’s version of what is sexy but instead explore what feeling sexy means for you.

This includes the obvious, such as trying on sexy clothes, using toys or your fingers to explore your body and reading or watching something erotic.

Understanding what you find to be sexy will help you express your sexiness more and encourage you to feel more sensual and romantic, whether you have a partner or are looking for one.

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