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Why Putting On Sexy Underwear Is For Men As Well

by Sarah A 12 Jun 2023 0 Comments

To mention sexy underwear is normally to conjure up an image of women in stockings and suspenders, usually in black or red, with lots of frilly attachments and maybe some very skimpy sections around the most important bits.

By contrast, the idea of sexy underwear for men is some briefs revealing a big bulge, the kind of thing David Beckham used to strut around in, apart from that Only Fools and Horses Sketch for Comic Relief where he got Rodney to do it instead.

Whether you have golden balls or not, there is a place for a bit more in the way of underwear style than that. True, most ladies and, of course, many men appreciate a good bulge down there as a hint of what may be to come (literally) later on, but contours are not the be-all and end-all. Men’s erotic underwear can offer something more.

The truth is that even for some women, a bit of extra colour, style and even novelty adds something to the experience. For gay men and trans folk, this can sometimes be even more so. It is all about adding something new, unexpected, quirky and maybe just that bit kinky.

After all, these days stuff like pink fluffy handcuffs is all a bit passé. Some like them, of course, but a man in pink fluffy underwear or similar is another matter altogether - and not just for someone who has a kinky fantasy of having sex with a flamingo.

That may be a bit extreme, of course, but as long as you don’t actually do it with an actual large pink wading bird (it would upset the zookeepers), we can be open to all sorts of ideas.

A 2021 article by Timeto revealed the kind of underwear gay men like. The items pictured did actually include something pink, albeit a pair of otherwise standard briefs, but bottom-less jockstraps, thongs and skin-tight compression shorts all made the list.

None of these were exactly covered in frills and feathers, but then what folk consider sexy varies a lot. Even so, you can be sure we will have something on offer that will turn your partner on.

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